We are often asked, “What makes you different from every other Illinois whitetail outfitter?” There are many things that make us different but today I am going to focus on one thing that makes us different which is the number of treestands we have in the woods. We hunt on roughly 16,000 acres of land. As a result, we have

Big things are happening right now at Illinois Connection. Summer is here and we are busy getting ready for fall. We are planting food plots, mowing food plots, hanging treestands and oh yeah, we are adding an enormous addition onto the lodge! The addition will bring the total size of the lodge up to 12,000 square feet with two formal

Q: How many bucks have you killed at Illinois Connection? What was the biggest? A: I have shot two bucks at Illinois Connections in two trips there; my biggest was a 164” ten-point. Q: Did you hunt over food plots? Does Illinois Connection have several nice food plots? A: Both of my bucks were shot over food plots in the

You may be wondering what makes Illinois Connection different. After all, every outfitter says he is the best. Every outfitter says he has big bucks. Every outfitter says he has the most land. Here at Illinois Connection, we are very passionate about managing our hunting properties. We are passionate about bowhunting and we are very passionate about providing our clients