About: admin

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Deer hunting big bucks in Illinois can be fun, but it can also be very difficult. Mature whitetails are often big-bodied and tough as nails. Even when it appears they have been shot in just the right spot, they can survive to live another day. Here at Illinois Connection, we have Tracker John on retainer. Tracker John is one of 

230 7/8″, 20 Point World Class Giant Whitetail

Finally something positive in 2020. A three year pursuit has come to an end with the harvest of this 230 7/8″, 20 point absolute World Class Giant. A true blessing and once in a lifetime deer. We are celebrating our 20th year anniversary of operating here at Illinois Connection and what more could you ask for. This 8 1/2 year 


We have recently updated our COVID-19 procedures and safety protocols.  Please click here to review them and a letter from owner Doug Benefield. Click to read procedures...

Get Your Buck of a Lifetime!

Most people think that all the deer in Illinois have died due to disease….we’ve had, and continue to have, excellent seasons and anticipate all the subsequent years to be of equal quality or even better. Those that missed this season, missed a good one. We have a lot of mature deer that we are looking forward to seeing what they 


All is fair in love and war as the old saying goes. We are referring to the woes of free range Whitetails. Unfortunately when dealing with free range whitetails we are going to have a few that travel outside of boundaries within our control…and when that happens it is fair game….Hence, the Laws of Mother Nature. We just want to 

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